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Posts Tagged ‘ Letters ’

My Dear Nelly

| Filed under: Civil War Era, Interpreting the Civil War: Texts and Contexts
My Dear Nelly edited by Paul Taylor. Kent State University Press

More than 150 years after the end of the Civil War, West Point engineer and Brevet Brigadier General Orlando M. Poe (1832–1895) remains one of the Union’s most unsung heroes. He served the Union in uniform from day one of the conflict until the Confederate surrender in North Carolina in late April 1865, and he used his unparalleled ability to predict Confederate movements to lead multiple successful campaigns that turned the tide of the war. Accordingly, the roar of battle permeates this collection of 241 highly literate and previously unpublished wartime letters to his wife, Eleanor Brent Poe.


Untouched by the Conflict

and | Filed under: U.S. History
Untouched by the Conflict by White and Glenn. Kent State University Press

Nearly three million white men of military age remained in the North during the Civil War, some attending institutions of higher learning. College life during the Civil War has received little close attention, however, in part because of the lack of published collections of letters and diaries by students during the war. In Untouched by the Conflict, Jonathan W. White and Daniel Glenn seek to fill that gap by presenting the unabridged letters of Singleton Ashenfelter, a student at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, to his closest friend at home near Philadelphia.


Georgiann Baldino writes of a “A House Once More Divided” at History News Network

| Filed under: News

A Family and Nation Under Fire author Georgiann Baldino writes of “A House Once More Divided” at the History News Network.
“Abraham Lincoln and supporters like Joseph Medill taught that politics must not violate human rights. Immoral behavior must never be subject to a majority vote. Robert Todd Lincoln explained his father’s views on democracy eloquently […]


Timothy Roberts discusses This Infernal War at Civil War Books & Authors

| Filed under: News

Here’s an excellent interview with Timothy Mason Roberts, author of This Infernal War: 
The Civil War Letters of William and Jane Standard at Civil War Books and Authors.
Find out more about the book here


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