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Posts Tagged ‘ Cleveland ’

The House That Rock Built

and | Filed under: Books, Music, Regional Interest
The House That Rock Built by Nite and Feran. Kent State University Press

For twenty-five years, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has defined Cleveland’s image as the “Rock and Roll Capital of the World.” But while the Rock Hall has become an iconic landmark for the city of Cleveland and for fans of rock and roll around the world, it was just one missed phone call away from never being built in Cleveland. If the prominent singer and actress Leslie Gore hadn’t contacted radio personality Norm N. Nite in August 1983, the Hall of Fame would not be in Cleveland—period. recommends Cleveland A to Z as “made-in-Cleveland” gift

| Filed under: News

Cleveland A to Z by John Grabowski is one of 31 made-in-Cleveland gifts recommended by
“Learn more about Cleveland in the new book Cleveland A to Z. The book consists of 72 articles that look at Northeast Ohio’s history, and it was put out as a part of the Western Reserve Historical Society’s 150th anniversary celebration.”
On […]


The Insanity Defense and the Mad Murderess of Shaker Heights

| Filed under: Audiobooks, Award Winners, History, Regional Interest, True Crime, True Crime History
The Insanity Defense and the Mad Murderess of Shaker Heights by William L. Tabac. Kent State University Press

They have no witnesses. They have no case. With this blunt observation, Mariann Colby—an attractive, church-going Shaker Heights, Ohio, mother and housewife—bet a defense psychiatrist that she would not be convicted of murder. A lack of witnesses was not the only problem that would confront the State of Ohio in 1966, which would seek to prosecute her for shooting to death Cremer Young Jr., her son’s nine-year-old playmate: Colby had deftly cleaned up after herself by hiding the child’s body miles from her home and concealing the weapon.


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