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The Brilliance of Charles Whittlesey

| Filed under: Civil War Era, Environmental Studies, Recent Releases, Regional Interest
Charles Whittlesey cover

The Brilliance of Charles Whittlesey offers the first full-length biography of one of the most outstanding and influential Americans of the 19th century, Charles Whittlesey (1808–1886). Whittlesey advanced numerous fields, including geology, exploration, history, archaeology, and military strategy. Much of his work, however, has been treated as a mere footnote of American history and largely neglected by historians.


Malabar Farm

| Filed under: Environmental Studies, Nature, Regional Interest
Malabar Farms by Anneliese Abbott. Cover

Anneliese Abbott tells the story of Malabar Farm within the context of the wider histories of soil conservation and other environmental movements, especially the Ohio-based organization Friends of the Land. As one of the few surviving landmarks of this movement, which became an Ohio state park in 1976, Malabar Farm provides an intriguing case study of how soil conservation began, how it was marginalized during the 1950s, and how it now continues to influence the modern idea of sustainable agriculture.


Peatlands of Ohio and the Southern Great Lakes Region

and | Filed under: Environmental Studies, Nature, Regional Interest
Peatlands of the Southern Great Lakes Region

Peatlands—and specifically “bogs”—have long been a source of fascination for humans, and these amazing places are truly living relics of the Ice Age. More recently, bogs have come to be regarded as complex and fascinating wetland ecosystems. Peatlands of Ohio and the Southern Great Lakes Region focuses on the sphagnum peat bogs and rich fens of the lower Great Lakes states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, southern Michigan, and the glaciated northern corners of Pennsylvania.


Problem Plants of Ohio

, and | Filed under: Environmental Studies, Horticulture, Nature, Regional Interest
Problem Plants of Ohio by Griffiths, Davis, and Ward. Kent State University Press

Problem Plants of Ohio is an informative guide, providing information on the identification and control of nonnative plant species formally listed as invasive or prohibited noxious weeds in Ohio. In addition, the book treats many additional species that are considered a nuisance in gardens, landscaping, or natural settings.


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