From My Experience
The Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm
Nature, Recent Releases, Regional InterestLouis Bromfield
Bromfield’s continuing reflections about life and work at Malabar Farm
A sequel of sorts to his earlier book, Pleasant Valley, this book significantly adds to Louis Bromfield’s body of work on agriculture, economics, and the value of home.
“Because Bromfield has seen so many different lands, he is now more a country man than ever. When he turned his first spadeful on his new Ohio farm acres, it marked the return of the native. Bromfield writes his books in pencil, longhand. He has such concentration that he can come in from working in his fields, go to his desk and finish a sentence he started the day before.”
—The New Yorker
“From My Experience . . . is full of stimulating ideas, fascinating for anyone who understands or wishes to understand something of land and people and animals and plants—their relations to economics, science and the vast scheme of life itself. But it . . . catches one’s attention in a different way and draws one back to read it, searchingly, again and again. For in it, cleanly and powerfully concentrated, is the story of a man’s search for the meaning of living.”
—Ellen Bromfield Geld